Welcome to Taiyou Productions mini-site.

This site is being developed to show everyone my progress as a coder (by now only in Gameboy Advance, but I made some little stuff for SEGA Dreamcast) and have my finished projects online so anyone interested can download them.

These are the sections of the site:

Click on "index" to go back to this page.
"WIP" stands for "Work In Progress". In that section I'll publish every little improving on the projects I'll be working on.
Click on "projects" to see a little description of every project I've finished and also ideas for future projects I'll work on later.
Clicking on "download" you'll be able to download my finished projects.
In "info" I've put my personal information for anyone interested to read it.
Clicking on "contact" you can mail me about my projects or my website or whatever.

I hope you enjoy surfing around this site. Thanks for the visit.

Logo by Kamui (thx!! ^O^)
[ index ] · [ WIP ] · [ projects ] · [ download ] · [ info ] · [ contact ]